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Health - Food - Science - Community

Association between processed and ultra-processed food intake and the risk of breast cancer: a case-control study

A woman's love for ultra-processed foods may increase her chances of having breast cancer.

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Association of sedentary behaviour with colon and rectal cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies

Adopting a sedentary lifestyle may bump up colorectal cancer risk in men and women.

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Association between soy products and prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

Generous intake of non-fermented soy foods may help halt the development and spread of prostate cancer in men.

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Dietary fiber intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

Opting for a diet rich in fiber-containing foods may diminish an individual's risk of suffering from premature deaths arising from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other causes.

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Associations of Whole and Refined Grain Intakes with Adiposity-Related Cancer Risk in the Framingham Offspring Cohort (1991-2013)

High dietary ingestion of whole grains may result in a decline in the prevalence of breast cancer in women.

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Fiber and whole grain intakes in relation to liver cancer risk: An analysis in 2 prospective cohorts and systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies

Incorporating whole grains and other foods packed with fiber in our diet can help us fend off liver cancer.

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Estimating effects of whole grain consumption on type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease: a burden of proof study

Sufficient consumption of whole grains may contribute positively to the prevention of type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer, ischemic heart disease, and stroke in men and women.

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Ultra-processed food consumption and risk of chronic respiratory diseases mortality among adults: evidence from a prospective cohort study

Favoring the consumption of ultra-processed foods may increase death toll from chronic respiratory diseases, such as lung cancer and COPD, in middle-aged and older adults.

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Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Gastrointestinal Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Habitual consumers of ultra-processed foods may be at risk of developing colorectal and stomach cancer.

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Adherence to a low-fat dietary pattern reduces head and neck cancer risk: evidence from the PLCO trial

Embracing a low-fat diet may be a viable dietary measure for preventing head and neck cancer.

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Adherence to the low-fat diet pattern reduces the risk of lung cancer in American adults aged 55 years and above: a prospective cohort study

Choosing a low-fat diet may help guard against the formation and spread of cancerous cells and tumors in the lungs.

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Smokeless Tobacco Use and the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer: Pooled Analysis of US Studies in the INHANCE Consortium

Regular exposure to smokeless tobacco, such as snuffs, may induce the formation of cancerous cells and tumors in the head and neck region of the body.

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