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Depression: The Way Out

Depression The Way Out

In his latest book, Dr. Nedley addresses the epidemic of depression sweeping society

One patient in three seeking medical help is plagued with depression.

Through his ongoing study of the latest scientific research related to diseases of the mind, combined with years of clinical experience, Dr. Nedley committed himself to finding the source problems.....

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Depression Recovery Program Workbook

Depression Recovery Program Workbook


Depression is reversible. It does not have to be tolerated as a life-long condition. Dr. Nedley's Depression Recovery Program has had great success in his outpatient clinic and 10-day Residential Nedley Depression Recovery Program.

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13 Weeks to Peace

13 Weeks To Peace

This book illustrates that the Bible contains a more accurate, comprehensive, and effective system of psychology than can be found anywhere else.

13 Weeks to Peace offers mental and emotional healing with principles from God's Word.

Learn how to deal with subjects such as the power of forgiveness.

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Dying to Be Beautiful: Help, Hope, and Healing for Eating Disorders

Dying To Be Beautiful

Help, Hope, and Healing for Eating Disorders

Thin is pretty. And looks are everything. Throw in feelings of worthlessness and add an overactive conscience.

Result: an obsession with physical perfection that ends in defeat, failure, and shame.

This book offers a boost out of the black hole of food fixations: anorexia, bulimia, and exercise dependence.

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SOS Help For Emotions: Managing Anxiety, Anger, And Depression

SOS Help For Emotions

Managing Anxiety, Anger, and Depression. SOS Help For Emotions - Managing Anxiety, Anger, And Depression is a self-help book that is fun to read and easy to apply.

By understanding and applying insights and techniques from this book, you will learn useful self-help methods from cognitive behavior therapy.

You will gain insight into changing your thoughts and feelings and for becoming more successful in attaining your goals. Knowing the five steps of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) will help you to deal with difficult people more effectively.

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Telling Yourself the Truth: Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, and Other Common Problems by Applying the Principles of Misbelief Therapy

Telling Yourself The Truth

Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, and Other Common Problems by Applying the Principles of Misbelief Therapy

Most of what happens in your life happens because of the way you think.

Wrong thinking produces wrong emotions, wrong reactions, wrong behavior—and unhappiness!

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Discovering The Mind Of A Woman: The Key To Becoming A Strong And Irresistible Husband Is...

Discovering The Mind Of A Woman

The Key To Becoming A Strong And Irresistible Husband Is...

In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would.

From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result.

This book challenges husbands to learn to understand their wives and to learn to respond to them in a Christlike manner.

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Discovering the Heart of a Man

Discovering The Heart Of A Man

Author Ken Nair takes his readers though biblical passages on relationships and marriages and demonstrates many misconceptions currently prevailing in Christian churches.

This book helps Women to understand the struggles that men have in living a Christlike life and in being kindly affectionate.

It reveals the struggles in the heart of a man that he himself is often oblivious to. The book encourages women to keep asking for what they need nicely.

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