DrCarney.com Blog

Health - Food - Science - Community

Engine 2 Extra

Engine 2 Extra

The Engine 2 Extra site seems to have vanished from the Internet. We are a bit sad because it wais a full fledged Online Support Community. It was an innovative and progressive service that was constantly improving and the community was growing larger by the day. The Forum was one of the MANY services/features of...

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  6449 Hits

Fuhrman Member Center

Fuhrman Member Center

Dr. Fuhrman runs a Member Center as a subscription based service. The Member Center provides a wealth of knowledge and he is personally involved as are his Staff Physicians. The Member Support Center is located on his main web site. This is very much a for pay service with the costs increasing as services also...

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  4228 Hits

McDougall Discussion Board

McDougall Discussion Board

Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center provides a lively Discussion Board with a free membership. There is also extensive involvement with Jeff Novick, RD who even has a section of the discussion board intended specifically for you to get your questions answered by him. The site also has many Testimonies and Success Stories for your...

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  11215 Hits

NEWSTART Lifestyle Club

NEWSTART Lifestyle Club

This site is NOT technically a forum as we were not able to find a discussion forum component to the site. But, we wanted to make you aware of it just the same. The Newstart Club is an free support site that is operated by The Weimar Center of Health and Education who are the...

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  6317 Hits

The Wellness Forum

The Wellness Forum

The Wellness Forum is not technically a discussion forum, or bulletin board, but is rather a complete package of wellness education and support. They have a facility in the Columbus Ohio area where they conduct programs and they also have an ongoing online food and personal products business a well as online sales and an...

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  8693 Hits



Click Here to visit the VegSource Forum. However, rest assured that VegSource is much more than a community forum! It is almost all things (vegetarian) to all people. They produce videos, provide recipes, gather informative articles, write biographical sketches, report on breaking news, follow plant-based celebreties, support animal rights, provide plant-based camps, produce music videos,...

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  4411 Hits

Starch-Smart® Social Site

Starch-Smart® Social Site

We launched our very own social network site. We welcome you to join in our family-friendly community site for plant-based whole-food, low-fat, high-nutrient lifestyle education and encouragement through social networking, knowledge exchanging, recipe sharing, news feeds, member blogging and more. The Starch-Smart System® Social Site allows members to network socially in an environment very much...

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  3803 Hits

The New Health Club

The New Health Club

We have just been told about a web site called "The New Health Club" which endeavors to provide answers to the following three questions in ten minutes or less: 1) Why eat plants?, 2) How do I do it? and 3) Why is it so hard? They are not running an actual Forum like Starch-Smart...

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  3955 Hits

PlantPure Pods

PlantPure Pods

Dr. Carney has been involved since the inception of the PlantPure Pods by joining the ATX Alive Pod in Austin Texas. This Austin Pod started it's activities beginning with two screenings of PlantPure Nation at the Alamo Drafthouse in North Austin in which Dr. Carney was invited to conducted Question and Answer sessions after the...

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  4845 Hits

Protective Diet Forum

Protective Diet Forum

We are happy to introduce you to the Protective Diet Web Site which is a Forum and much more. They are a "Mom and Pop" shop with a LOT going on! As is so often the case there is a Good Story to how they came to devote their lives to promoting an Oil, Sugar and Nut...

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  4035 Hits

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