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Dietary inflammatory index and ovarian cancer risk in a large Italian case-control study

Imbibing the habit of eating proinflammatory diets may increase a woman's likelihood of acquiring ovarian cancer.

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Phytochemicals in Gynecological Cancer Prevention

Upping the intake of phytochemicals from plant foods may help curtail the development of gynecological cancers.

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Association between dried fruit intake and pan-cancers incidence risk: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study

Preferential consumption of dried fruits may be beneficial for the prevention of several forms of cancer, including oral, pharyngeal, lung, breast, pancreatic, ovarian, and cervical cancer.

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Recreational physical activity and risk of ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis

Being physical active may help shield a woman from ovarian cancer.

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Sedentary behaviour in relation to ovarian cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Being physically inactive may increase a woman's predisposition to ovarian cancer.

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Sedentary behavior and cancer-an umbrella review and meta-analysis

Adopting a sedentary lifestyle may raise an individual's chances of acquiring several types of cancer, including ovarian, endometrial, breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer.

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Mushroom intake and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in southern Chinese women

Consistent consumption of mushrooms may help to fend off ovarian cancer.

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Dietary fiber intake and reduced risk of ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis.

Following a high-fiber diet may tilt the odds of avoiding ovarian cancer in favor of women.

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Coffee and caffeine intake and the risk of ovarian cancer: the Iowa Women's Health Study.

High dietary ingestion of caffeinated coffee may promote the development of ovarian cancer.

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Dietary fiber intake is associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer: a dose-response meta-analysis.

Eating high-fiber foods regularly may help curb the development of ovarian cancer.

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Usual Cruciferous Vegetable Consumption and Ovarian Cancer: A Case-Control Study.

​Frequent consumption of cruciferous vegetables may help improve a woman's chances of avoiding ovarian cancer.

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Preserved foods associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer.

​High ovarian cancer risk is associated with frequent consumption preserved foods, such as preserved meats and vegetables.

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