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Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle is Associated With a Lower Risk of Diverticulitis among Men.

​Adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as consuming of diets low in meat and high in fiber, exercising regularly, maintenance of healthy weight, and avoidance of cigarette smoking, may help protect individuals from diverticulitis.

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Health effects of saturated and trans-fatty acid intake in children and adolescents: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

​Children and adolescents on low-fat diets are less prone to develop cardiovascular disease.

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Diet rapidly and reproducibly alters the human gut microbe.

High intake of animal-based diets may increase an individual’s susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease.

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Fiber Intake and Survival After Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis.

​Colorectal cancer patients on high-fiber diets may have a low tendency of dying from the disease.

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Whole-Grain Intake and Mortality from All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies.

​A decline in total, cancer, and cardiovascular mortality risk is associated with frequent consumption of generous portions of whole grains.

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Cigarette smoking and the risk of mucinous and nonmucinous epithelial ovarian cancer.

​Cigarette smoking may promote the development of mucinous type of epithelial ovarian cancer in women.

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A prospective cohort study of cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer in Japan.

​Individuals who are cigarette smokers may be highly vulnerable to pancreatic cancer.

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Smoking increases rectal cancer risk to the same extent in women as in men: results from a Norwegian cohort study.

Smoking is associated with increased predisposition to rectal cancer in both men and women.

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Do dietary lycopene and other carotenoids protect against prostate cancer?

​Frequent consumption of foods loaded with lycopene, lutein, zeaxathin, beta-carotenoids, alpha-carotenoids, and beta-cryptoxanthin may help boost an individual's defenses against prostate cancer.

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Plant-based diet associated with less heart failure risk

​Individuals who follow a plant-based dietary pattern are less likely to suffer from heart failure.

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Smoking and risk of age-related cataract: a meta-analysis.

​Cigarette smoking may promote the development of some types of age-related cataracts, such as nuclear and posterior subcapsular cataracts.

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Smoking and the risk of age-related macular degeneration: a meta-analysis.

​Cigarette smokers, especially current smokers, may have a high tendency of developing age-related macular degeneration.

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