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Ultra-processed foods and cardiovascular disease: analysis of three large US prospective cohorts and a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

Likeness for ultra-processed foods may fuel the development of stroke, cardiovascular, and coronary heart disease in men and women.

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  244 Hits

Association between composite dietary antioxidant index and coronary heart disease among US adults: a cross-sectional analysis

Generous consumption of antioxidant-rich foods may help hinder the development of coronary heart disease in men and women.

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  201 Hits

Dietary Inflammatory Index and Its Association with the Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease among 45,306 US Adults

Devout consumption of pro-inflammatory foods may drive up the risk of coronary heart disease in men and women.

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Lignan Intake and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Greater consumption of lignan-rich foods may improve an individual's likelihood of fending off coronary heart disease (CHD).

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Heavy drinking occasions in relation to ischaemic heart disease mortality-- an 11-22 year follow-up of the 1984 and 1995 US National Alcohol Surveys

Heavy users of alcohol may be prone to die prematurely from ischemic heart disease.

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Coronary heart disease and stroke disease burden attributable to fruit and vegetable intake in Japan: projected DALYS to 2060

Sticking to a diet high in fruits and vegetables may be beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD).

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  440 Hits

Red/processed meat consumption and non-cancer-related outcomes in humans: umbrella review

Sticking to a diet high in red and processed meat may drive up an individual's chances of developing and dying from chronic diseases, such as stroke, hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease (CHD), and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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Exploration of Metabolic Biomarkers Linking Red Meat Consumption to Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality in the UK Biobank

The probability of suffering from deaths arising from ischemic heart disease may be high among individuals, especially men, who enjoy consuming processed and unprocessed red meat.

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  438 Hits

Intake of legumes and cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

Larger intake of legumes may help ward off cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases.

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Relation of Different Fruit and Vegetable Sources With Incident Cardiovascular Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

Diets that favor the consumption of fruits and vegetables may help hinder the development of stroke, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular ailments in men and women.

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Vegetable intake is associated with lower Frammingham risk scores in Korean men: Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey 2007-2009

Men who want to minimize their risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) should create more room for vegetables in their diet.

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The association between meat intake and the risk of coronary heart disease in Korean men using the Framingham risk score: A prospective cohort study

Men on high red meat diet may have heightened risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

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