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1 minute reading time (166 words)

The role of dietary fat throughout the prostate cancer trajectory

High intake of dietary fat promotes prostate cancer development, progression, and re-occurrence.

This study investigated the role dietary fats play in the development and re-occurence of prostate cancer. By focusing on a particular nutrient, researchers were able to examine the role dietary fats play in the prostate cancer trajectory and the mechanisms that increases the risk of developing and re-occurrence of the disease. The IGF/Akt signaling pathway is one of the key mechanisms that dietary fat uses to promote the development of prostate cancer.

Researchers observed that the quantity of fats consumed may have either a positive or negative effect on prostate cancer development and re-occurrence. High consumption of large quantities of animal and saturated fats may increase the chances of prostate cancer development, progression, and re-occurrence. On the other hand, low intake of dietary fats may reduce the risk of developing the disease, tumor angiogenesis, and cancer re-occurrence. This study provides strong evidence that dietary fats are associated with prostate cancer development, progression, and re-occurrence.

Research Summary Information

  • 2014
  • Katie M. Di Sebastiano, Marina Mourtzakis
  • Department of Kinesiology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue W., Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada; ac.oolretawu@abesidmk; ac.oolretawu@sikaztruomm
  • Yes, Free full text of study was found:
  • No. Source of funding disclosure not found
  • No. Potential conflicts disclosure not found
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