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Dietary salt intake and hypertension in an urban south Indian population--[CURES - 53]

Upping the intake of salty foods may drive up the incidence of hypertension in men and women.

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  397 Hits

The association between dietary sodium intake and obesity in adults by sodium intake assessment methods: a review of systematic reviews and re-meta-analysis

Diets that encourage the consumption of salty foods may promote weight gain and obesity in men and women.

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Genetically, Dietary Sodium Intake Is Causally Associated with Salt-Sensitive Hypertension Risk in a Community-Based Cohort Study: a Mendelian Randomization Approach

Preference for salty foods may make an individual highly likely to become hypertensive.

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The Burden of Gastric Cancer Attributable to High Sodium Intake: A Longitudinal Study from 1990 to 2019 in China

Devout consumption of salty foods might be a potent risk factor for the development of gastric (stomach) cancer.

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  343 Hits

Evaluating the association between dietary salt intake and the risk of atrial fibrillation using Mendelian randomization

Lovers of salty foods are highly likely to suffer from atrial fibrillation.

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  356 Hits

Self-Reported Frequency of Adding Salt to Food and Risk of Incident Chronic Kidney Disease

Indulgence in salty foods may promote the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

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Dietary Sodium Intake and Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes

The odds of developing type 2 diabetes may be stacked against consumers of high salt diet.

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Relationship of household salt intake level with long-term all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in Japan: NIPPON DATA80

The odds of dying from stroke, cardiovascular ailments, and other chronic diseases may be stacked against generous consumers of salt-rich diets.

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Modelling the impact of sodium intake on cardiovascular disease mortality in Mexico

Cutting down our rate of consumption of salty foods could save us from dying from cardiovascular disease.

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Dietary Salt Intake and Gastric Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Diets that favor the consumption of salty foods, such as pickled vegetables and processed meats, may promote the development of gastric (stomach) cancer.

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Salt intake and gastric cancer: a pooled analysis within the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project

Indulgence in salty foods is associated with elevated risk of stomach (gastric) cancer.

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  775 Hits

Sodium Intake and Risk of Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis of Observational Cohort Studies

Increased intake of salty foods may result in an upsurge in hypertension risk.

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