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A Plant-Based Nutrition Program.

Individuals on plant-based diets are more likely to enjoy healthy weight, better cholesterol profile, increased energy levels, and sound health.

This study examined the effect of a plant-based nutrition program on weight, cholesterol levels, and general wellbeing. Researchers placed nurses recruited from 3 community health clinics on a plant-based diet for 21 days and monitored their weight and cholesterol levels.

The team of researchers observed a significant reduction in weight  and serum concentrations of cholesterol in most of the participants at the end of the dietary intervention. Majority of the subjects also reported increase in energy levels and satisfaction with the dietary program. The findings of this study show that adherence to strict vegetarian diets may contribute positively to improving cholesterol profile and maintaining sound health and healthy weight.

Research Summary Information

  • 2017
  • Evans J, Magee A, Dickman K, Sutter R, Sutter C.
  • Joanne Evans is the executive director of Healthy Nurses… Healthy Communities, LLC, in Rockville, MD. Alexandra Magee is an NP in the Department of Nursing at George Mason University in Oakton, VA, and was a graduate student at the time of this project. Kathy Dickman is retired and was an assistant research professor in the Department of Nursing at George Mason University in Oakton, VA, at the time of this project. Rebecca Sutter and Caroline Sutter are codirectors of the MAPS Clinic and assistant professors in the Department of Nursing at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. Evans is a nursing consultant who specializes in plant-based nutrition and received payment from George Mason University for her work on this project. She is also a member of the scientific advisory board of Good Medicine, a publication of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Contact author: Joanne Evans, joanneevans@verizon.net. The authors have disclosed no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.
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