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Is the Standard American Diet Child Abuse?

Is the Standard American Diet Child Abuse?

A proposed Italian law has put the spotlight on the merits of a vegan diet for children. In four cases in recent months, Italian children have been hospitalized for micronutrient deficiencies purportedly related to the vegan diet fed them by their parents. The proposed law recommends prison sentences for up to four years for parents...

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Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Hemorrhoids

Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids — although more than 75% of Americans are affected at some point in their lives, hemorrhoids aren't exactly a topic that everyone enjoys discussing. If you're looking for relief, you'll be glad to know that eating a diet rich in fiber can help prevent, treat, and stop the progression of this bothersome condition. A hemorrhoid...

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  22645 Hits

How Does Being Constipated Promote Varicose Veins?

How Does Being Constipated Promote Varicose Veins?

Enlarged varicose veins are not only a cosmetic matter, they can cause aching pain, ulcers, burning, and cramping to varying degrees, and in some cases, more serious complications. The etiology of varicose veins can be multifactorial, says the scientific medical community — listing pregnancy, standing for long periods of time, a sedentary lifestyle, age, obesity, and family...

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  28259 Hits

Is GERD a Symptom of a Hiatal Hernia?

Is GERD a Symptom of a Hiatal Hernia?

Half of the adults living in America who consume the rich Western diet have permanently stretched the diaphragm that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Many patients are unaware that they have stretched their diaphragm; some experience symtoms when others do not. This condition is commonly seen in adults over the age of...

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  22855 Hits

Long Term use of GERD Meds are Unsafe

Long Term use of GERD Meds are Unsafe

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a painful, chronic digestive disorder affecting millions of Americans every year. GERD occurs when the muscular valve between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or fails to close properly, which causes the contents in the stomach (including stomach acid) to travel up the esophagus. Constant irritation of the delicate lining...

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  21489 Hits

Decline in Mental Function Seen After Bypass Surgery

Decline in Mental Function Seen After Bypass Surgery

The statistics are distressing. Eighty-one million Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease, making it our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. Every year, 1.5 million people suffer a heart attack in the U.S., killing 1 out of every 3 people, or approximately 1 million per year. Considering these facts, it's no surprise that...

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  10829 Hits

Calcium Pills may Increase the Risk of Heart Attack

Calcium Pills may Increase the Risk of Heart Attack

Heart attack, stroke, and sudden death — side effect warnings you don't see on the back of a calcium bottle. If you did, you might not purchase the product. Indeed, if this warning was listed, supplement manufacturers would certainly suffer a great loss. At the same time, many health-conscious individuals don't hesitate to take supplements...

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  10038 Hits

Could Mouth Ulcers be Caused by Dairy?

Could Mouth Ulcers be Caused by Dairy?

Aphthous stomatitis, or better known as mouth ulcers or canker sores, affect approximately 20% of the general population to varying degrees; many are plagued by recurring ulcers. These non-contagious, non-infectious sores usually last between 7-10 days, interfering with eating and drinking. Hitting these inflamed areas accidentally while chewing or brushing the teeth exacerbates the condition,...

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  43692 Hits

Seven Ways Salt Impacts our Health

Seven Ways Salt Impacts our Health

With respect to sodium intake, the best advice may be to wait until we're seated at the table to shake on the salt -- if we choose to salt our food at all. Most of us like the flavor of salt. If we haven't been diagnosed with high blood pressure, is there any reason to...

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  16749 Hits

Hoping for Health but Missing the Mark?

Hoping for Health but Missing the Mark?

"There was a party at work, but there was next to nothing I could eat except the Oreos. At least they were vegan!" I hear this sort of reasoning every day in my practice. And I totally understand it. For years, I was a tater-tot vegetarian and thought I was "healthy" because of my eating...

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  9781 Hits

What Does a Plant-Based Dinner Plate Look Like?

Starch-Smart® System: From Sun To Plant To Plate Starch-Smart® System: From Sun To Plant To Plate

"I have really been thinking about . . . how best to describe the principles of a healthy diet, and I think, plant-centered, minimally processed, calorie dilute, low SOS [salt, oil, sugar] & variety, really sums it all up," says Jeff Novick, MS, RD. But what does that look like when we sit down to...

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  20141 Hits

Dr. John McDougall Offers Label Reading Advice

Dr. John McDougall Offers Label Reading Advice

Eating a whole-food, nutrient-rich, oil-free, plant-based diet focuses on consuming foods that aren't sold in a package or have a label. As Dr. Michael Klaper likes to say "Eat food as grown!" In other words, choose food items that are as close as possible to how they are found growing in nature. For instance, corn...

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