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Dr. Michael Greger Reviews the Paleo Diet

Dr. Michael Greger Reviews the Paleo Diet

The "Paleo" diet or "Caveman" diet has recently become a popular diet, especially among some fitness groups such as CrossFit.  The Paleo diet is a modern day diet based on the presumed ancient diet of early man during the Paleolithic Era.

There are many aspects of this diet which are health promoting, such as the addition of fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds.  Other beneficial attributes include the avoidance of dairy products, processed snack foods, and alcohol.  However, legumes, grains, and starchy vegetables have also been eliminated which are beneficial and are a significant part of a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet.  The Paleo diet centers its meals around animal products, much like the typical American diet, and is high in saturated fat and low in carbohydrates.  Advocates state that the high percentage of animal products to whole plant food is a key feature of this diet with sausage, bacon, lard and tallow being acceptable. 

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  26790 Hits

Atherosclerosis Begins in Early Childhood

Atherosclerosis Begins in Early Childhood

Atherosclerosis (or hardening of the arteries) is a disease caused by years of eating the rich Western diet. Fatty plaque deposits accumulate and coat the inside of the blood vessel walls beginning in early childhood. These fatty plaque streaks can be seen in children as young as three years of age, and by the age...

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  20963 Hits

Yes! Heart Disease Can be Reversed Using Diet!

Yes! Heart Disease Can be Reversed Using Diet!

If you or someone you love has heart disease, please watch and share this video. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Approximately 1.5 million people will suffer a heart attack this year. From these, approximately 1 million deaths will occur, resulting in one death every 30 seconds. Tragically, the majority of...

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  33605 Hits

Study Shows Twinkies Lower Cholesterol?

Study Shows Twinkies Lower Cholesterol?

Everywhere we look, we are inundated with the latest results from scientific research studies regarding diet and health. One report encourages us to eat a particular food item, when another report warns us not to. Ever wonder why there's so much conflicting data? Dr. Michael Greger's video informs us how these studies can be biased,...

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  6126 Hits

Human Genes Can Be Turned On and Off by Diet

Human Genes Can Be Turned On and Off by Diet

Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer; it runs in your family, so you are doomed to get these diseases as well, right? That's what scientists once believed, but intriguing new evidence offers us hope. Dr. John McDougall explains that scientists are now discovering that "Good genes are 'turned on' by a healthy environment, just as 'bad...

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  12844 Hits

Why Did You Quit Eating Meat?

Why Did You Quit Eating Meat?

Many of you are familiar with Dr. John McDougall, & that he suffered a stroke when he was only 18 years old. His diet was like that of any typical American teen, full of highly saturated animal fats, processed foods and dairy. After many years of research, Dr. McDougall changed his diet to one that...

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  10451 Hits

Olive Oil Not Heart Healthy

Olives are Wholesome, Olive Oil is Harmful Olives are Wholesome, Olive Oil is Harmful

The below eleven-minute excerpt from the 2012 Healthy Lifestyle Expo features Dr. Michael Klaper's presentation on "Salt, Sugar and Oil: What's The Problem?" Dr. Klaper starts out by emphasizing that we should eat "food as grown," - as it is found in nature. He then jokes about how unhealthy restaurant food is, and that we should be...

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  25540 Hits

Planning for Retirement?

Planning for Retirement?

How we spend the last years of our lives depends largely on what choices we make before we reach middle age, especially during the first 10 years of our childhood while our cells are multiplying rapidly. Recent studies show that dietary and lifestyle choices increase telomerase activity that is associated with slowing down the aging...

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  8825 Hits

Misleading Ads Promote Cardiovascular Disease

Misleading Ads Promote Cardiovascular Disease

Approximately 20 years ago, the American Heart Association, along with several consumer groups, and the Federal Trade Commission, executed successful legal action which urged the egg industry to stop misleading and false advertising that eggs "had no harmful effects on health." This was upheld by the Supreme Court. This anti-cholesterol assault resulted in a reduction...

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  8948 Hits

Why do Animal Products Cause Inflammation?

Why do Animal Products Cause Inflammation?

The beneficial anti-inflammatory properties of a Starch-Smart® Diet come from the avoidance of inflammatory foods such as animal products, as well as the inclusion of micronutrient-rich, whole plant foods. Plant foods are a rich source of phytochemicals, which support our endothelial cells that line the inside of our entire vascular system. These cells play an important...

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  31438 Hits

Going Plant-Strong With Rip Esselstyn

Going Plant-Strong With Rip Esselstyn

Rip Esselstyn, author of The Engine 2 Diet and Plant-Strong (Previously titled "My Beef With Meat"), often shows the image of a man drinking milk from a cow during his presentations to drive home the point that humans are the only mammals on the planet which consume the mother's milk of another species. Milk really...

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  28055 Hits

What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?

What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?

How we spend the last years of our lives can largely be determined by what lifestyle choices we made during our earlier years. Research indicates that although we may have a genetic family history of heart disease, cancer, etc., these conditions are largely preventable with diet and lifestyle measures. These lifestyle measures play a significant...

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  11725 Hits

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