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What Makes Us Sick?

What Makes Us Sick?

Dr. John McDougall has been studying, writing, and speaking out about the effects of nutrition on disease for over 30 years. In this two-minute video excerpt, Dr. McDougall talks about his early experiences as a sugar plantation doctor on the Big Island of Hawaii where he provided medical care to three generations of people.

During this time, his observations led to a clear understanding regarding the association between diet and disease. Those first-generation patients who had originated from China, Japan and the Philippians ate diets rich in starchy grains and vegetables; as a result, they were fit, trim, and had no evidence of heart disease or diabetes. They also maintained their good health and activity well into their eighth and ninth decade. Their children and grandchildren however, traded their traditional vegetable and starch-based diets for the typical American diet. As their diets became more Americanized, they became sick and obese.

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Human Genes Can Be Turned On and Off by Diet

Human Genes Can Be Turned On and Off by Diet

Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer; it runs in your family, so you are doomed to get these diseases as well, right? That's what scientists once believed, but intriguing new evidence offers us hope. Dr. John McDougall explains that scientists are now discovering that "Good genes are 'turned on' by a healthy environment, just as 'bad...

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