scarney commented on this post about 6 years agoThe download codes were just sent to you via our private messenger here and also as a response to your email request. Please let us know once you have had a chance to watch the videos.
Dear Sean, I found both videos to be excellent. thank you so much.
I do have one question (or more). is there a minimum number of grams of omega 6 fat and other fats that we should consume per day? I prefer notI do have one question (or more). is there a minimum number of grams of omega 6 fat and other fats that we should consume per day? I prefer not eating. nuts and seeds because I find it hard to moderate them, but I wonder if I'm harming myself. when I put my food into cronometer, the fat intake is about 6%. I've heard that the brain needs fat and that nuts and seeds have vitamin E (though I've noticed that carrots have a lot too!). then t here's your hair and nail and skin health and dryness. More ...
It sounds like you should be doing just fine actually. I believe that Dr. Carney would advise you to eat plenty of leafy greens but to tell the truthIt sounds like you should be doing just fine actually. I believe that Dr. Carney would advise you to eat plenty of leafy greens but to tell the truth she is not worried about people not having enough omega 6 fat. More ...
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