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Is Raw or Cooked Food More Nutritious?

Is Raw or Cooked Food More Nutritious?

Raw plant food supplies many disease-fighting nutrients which also promote longevity, but are raw food diets more nutritious?  According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, consuming a raw diet is not more nutritious.  He responds by saying, "Eating an exclusively raw-food diet is a disadvantage."  He believes that, "Excluding all steamed vegetables and vegetable soups from your...

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What's the Best Cooking Method?

What's the Best Cooking Method?

At dinner time, when you're holding an arm full of vegetables, do you ever wonder which cooking method is best so that you preserve the most nutrients? This is a frequently asked question. Thanks to a study conducted by a group of food scientists, we now have some answers. The study was entitled: Influence of...

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Raw Food Nutrient Absorption

Raw Food Nutrient Absorption

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is deficient in whole plant foods. I encourage my patients to greatly increase their consumption of vegetables and fruits many of which are delicious without being cooked. Some patients believe that they NEED to eat only raw foods in order to be healthy. This is simply not true. Raw foods are good but unfortunately many raw foodists have been found to be deficient in several nutrients, such as lycopene. In fact studies show that cooked tomatoes contain four times the amount of lycopene than raw tomatoes.Additionally, a study conducted on three different types of diets showed that even though the raw food group consumed significantly more servings of plant foods, their blood beta carotene levels were equal to those that ate the typical Western diet.

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Which is Better, Raw or Cooked Broccoli?

Which is Better, Raw or Cooked Broccoli?

We all know that George should eat his broccoli. But, do we know how he should eat his broccoli? Deep fried? Not quite. Boiled? Maybe. Raw? Possibly. There are studies on this all important subject and our favorite go to guy for such important Nutrition facts, Dr. Michael Greger has once again provided an answer. When...

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Raw Food Diet Myths

Raw Food Diet Myths

A whole-food, nutrient-dense, Starch-Smart® Diet should consist of both raw and cooked plant foods. A portion of our daily diet should come from raw plant foods. This can easily be done by eating a large salad each day and several servings of raw fruit. Eating a nutritious diet consisting of both cooked and raw plant food...

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