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Can a Plant-Based Diet be Used to Detox?

Can a Plant-Based Diet be Used to Detox?

The New Year brings with it an opportunity to think about ways in which to improve our lives. Eating healthier and losing those unwanted pounds is the most common New Year's resolution. In an attempt to start fresh, and "cleanse" the body, many turn to different methods of "detoxing." Each method promises successful weight loss...

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Food is Powerful Medicine

Food is Powerful Medicine

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are wise words spoken by Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, that is "considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." The Hippocratic Oath which is named after Hippocrates, outlines medical ethics for doctors and is still used today. Part of the oath reads: "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone."

Sadly though, "medical care and errors" has become the third leading cause of death in the U.S. It is estimated that over 400,000 deaths per year are associated with medical error. Examples of this include infections in hospitals, unnecessary surgery, hospital errors, adverse reactions and interactions to prescription drugs, administration of the wrong drug to the wrong patient, and wrong diagnosis. The good news is that we can avoid many of these unnecessary treatments contributing to these statistics when we eat a health-supporting diet.

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Pam Popper PhD Discusses Symptoms of Detoxing

Pam Popper PhD Discusses Symptoms of Detoxing

Making the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet, involves a process known as detoxification. It is not unusual for a person to experience feeling ill shortly after beginning their healhier lifestyle. Some of the most common symptoms are fatigue, headache, shakiness, and GI symptoms of gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

It has been noted that some symptoms can even mimic those of the flu including an elevated temperature.  Generally speaking, the severity of the symptoms is directly proportional to how toxic a person is and the richness of their previous diet.  Some choose to make positive changes in their diet quickly which may intensify the symptoms.  Making changes more gradually may work better for those who need a slower adjustment period.

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