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Added a comment in Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle is Associated With a Lower Risk of Diverticulitis among Men.
about 7 years ago
Most definitely. Thank you.
Added a comment in How High Fiber Diets Reduce Diverticulitis Risk
about 7 years ago
It is amazing the impact that increasing fibre intake to a minimal amount of 25 g per day can have on decreasing the risk for diverticular disease. Unfortunately, it seems as though so many people rely on fibre supplements in an attempt to increase dietary fibre versus consuming more plant based foods such as vegetables, legumes and whole grains. I see so many people with diverticulosis who limit fibre thinking that this will prevent a flare; such individuals often end up with inflamed pockets and sometimes require an ostomy. This article further supports the importance of a plant based diet for GI health.