
Assuming vegetables is required, the following results were found.

  • The Scoop on Poop

    For most people, discussing bowel function can be almost as painful as being constipated! Although it is an embarrassing topic for many, most people are concerned whether or not their bowel habits are normal. If you're curious about this topic, you've...
  • Is Weight Watchers Good for Your Health?

    "This is the joy for me. I love bread," declares Oprah, her arms open wide to the possibilities of her Weight Watcher's Plan. "I have lost 26 pounds, and I have eaten bread every single day." The commercial's emphasis on bread is a visceral call to a...
  • Using Diet to Prevent Colon Polyps

    Colon cancer, is the second most deadly cancer. Approximately 180,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States and Europe. Dr. John McDougall says that colon cancer "is a disease primarily of people consuming a diet high in meats...
  • Everyone Else is Doing It!

    If you've already decided what you're making for dinner, did any of the following points guide your decision - taste preference, convenience, familiarity, and nutritional or religious/ethical beliefs? Because most people don't have the time or interest...
  • Unprocessed: How to achieve vibrant health and your ideal weight

    lifestyle diseases, lose weight, or just look and feel great, Chef AJ shows you how to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet in ways that are easy, delicious, and fun. The foreword is by Dr. Hans Diehl and this book is endorsed by...
  • Can Plant Foods Protect Against Prostate Cancer?

    assessed by their dietary patterns and observed for prostate cancer incidence. Men who followed a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, an...
  • Making Meal Planning Easy With Mary McDougall

    If you've been thinking about making the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet, yet need a little encouragement on how to get started, you'll enjoy viewing the below 30-minute video featuring Mary McDougall. Some of the points that Mary covers...
  • Shirley Loses Weight Loss Surgery, Pounds and Pills

    I started to think that I needed to do something to improve my health in January of 2016 when I went to the doctor and took the Boston Heart Test. It consists of 3 full pages of tests. I did not understand all the numbers but I did understand that my...
  • Diet and biliary tract cancer risk in Shanghai, China.

    extrahepatic bile duct, and ampulla of Vater. In contrast, increased intake of diets rich in salted meats and preserved vegetables was found to elevate biliary tract cancer development risk. The results of this study indicate that consistent consumption...
  • Can increasing the prevalence of vegetable-based diets lower the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal subjects? A systematic review with meta-analysis of the literature.

    from osteoporosis than rare or non-consumers of these plant foods. This study adds to the evidence that larger intake of vegetables may have a role in reducing osteoporosis risk in postmenopausal women.
  • Eggs Promote Bowel Cancer

    Every year, over a million new cases of colorectal (Bowel) cancer are diagnosed worldwide, and more than 700,000 persons die from the disease annually. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 53,200 Americans are expected to develop colorectal...
  • Juicing Removes More Than Just the Fiber

    to their diet. If you have been considering purchasing a juicer, you may want to save your money and eat your fruits and vegetables whole instead. Numerous studies have shown that...
  • Menstrual Cramping and Heavy Periods

    According to a research study presented in the February 2000 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology, a low-fat, vegan diet " signi ficantly reduced pain a nd PMS fo r many wom en ." Painf ul menstru al cram ping and hea vy periods can be largely attributed...
  • Health is the Prize at the End of the Rainbow

    "Eating a rainbow" is a popular technique for making nutrition fun for children. Kids are encouraged to eat a wide variety of colorful foods like red watermelon, orange carrots, yellow peppers, green beans, blueberries, and purple grapes — a rainbow of...
  • Diet and colorectal cancer risk in Asia - a systematic review.

    High intake of diets rich in fruits, vegetables, fibers, and soy beans may cut down the risk of developing colorectal cancer. The aim of this research work was to determine the association between diets and colorectal cancer risk among Asians....
  • Fruit and vegetable intake and rate of heart failure: a population-based prospective cohort of women.

    ​Women who are frequent consumers of fruits and vegetables may be less prone to come down with heart failure. This investigated the association between fruit and vegetable intake and the occurrence of heart failure in women. Scientists from the...

    as much) and can also help you to enjoy your best possible health! A breakfast of lentils, greens, sweet potatoes, other vegetables, and whole grains like millet will help you to losing cravings for sweets, poultry, meats, & cheese. Avoid high fat...
  • Coronary heart disease and stroke disease burden attributable to fruit and vegetable intake in Japan: projected DALYS to 2060

    Sticking to a diet high in fruits and vegetables may be beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD). This study aimed to predict the impact of high fruit and vegetable diets on the burden of...
  • PCRM Power Plate Food Groups

    grown and found in nature. This would include a variety of whole, intact grains, whole grain pasta and breads, starchy vegetables such as corn and potatoes, non-starchy and green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes, minimally processed organic...
  • Using Diet to Cut off Blood Supply to Tumors

    The incidence of cancer continues to rise at an alarming rate. In 2014, cancer accounted for nearly 1 out of every 4 deaths, and was the second most common cause of death in the US. So, quite likely, you have had a family member or close friend with...

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