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  about 6 years ago
I hope I haven't already posted on this and just don't see my post, because it's something I would have jumped on! I went vegan 15 years ago and reversed osteoporosis to osteopenia. With NO calcium supplements. The countries with the highest dairy intake have the highest rates of low bone density. We have been fed BS from the dairy industry, and the USDA is an accomplice which is sad but that's their job - not our health.
  about 7 years ago
Why is it that some docs remain mired in myths which have long since been disproven? Like 'heart healthy' olive oil? I was in a discussion about phytates and the person said there were negatives. So I checked several places. People like Mercola (I hate mentioning him) are still repeating the old beliefs but so are many others. So I figured Dr. Greger would be the best expert source, and his new book How Not To Die has 2 pages 66-67 talking about phytates. "The answer to why colorectal cancer rates are less in plant based populations might lie in phytates – in whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Phytates detoxify excess iron in the body to reduce free radicals. For years phytates were maligned as inhibitors of mineral absorption. This belief stemmed from laboratory experiments on puppies and rats done around 1949 . But recently with more human data, that is no longer believed to be true. Those who eat more high-phytate foods tend to have a greater bone mineral density, less bone loss, and fewer hip fractures. Phytates appear to protect bone in a manner similar to Fosamax but without the risk of jaw osteonecrosis. The National Cancer Institute’s Polyp Prevention Trial found that those who increased their bean consumption by even less than ¼ cup cut the odds of precancerous colorectal polyp recurrence by up to 65%. Petri-dish studies have shown that phytates inhibit the growth of virtually all human cancer cells tested – colon, breast, cervix, prostate, liver, pancreas and skin, while leaving normal cells alone. When you eat whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, phytates are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and readily taken up by tumor cells. Phytates target cancer cells through a combination of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing activities. +++ Phytates do have side effects but they all seem to be good. High phytate intake has been associated with less heart disease, less diabetes, and fewer kidney stones. Some researchers have suggested that phytates be considered an essential nutrient. Maybe phytates should be called “Vitamin P.”
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