February 18, 2019
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Hi Dr. Carney Friends!

I just came across this site and am hoping for some nutritional allies and to gain more knowledge in the field of nutrition. I am a relatively new mother (I have a 2 year old) and am a vergitarian of about 4 years now and want specifically in this post to talk nutrition that supports healthy teeth.

I have been truly blessed with a child who is not only healthy but has yet to even come by a common cold (and im no sanatizer-loving, shut in with her either - I fully support ganing all those natural immunities! (:  ) She is happy, hitting all her developmental markers with flying colors however in the last few months I noticed two of her front 4 teeth looking a little yellow/spotty.

Long story short I've since taken her to a dentist, discoverd one of which has a cavity (to which he suggested waiting, stepping up the brushing, and possibly capping at a later time), and started her on vitamin supplements calcium & D3, vitimin K2, probiotics and, admittedly out of fear, even started giving her some fermented cod liver oil after reading some notes the Dr. Price book on tooth decay and the sucess stories that came from that. 

We all want ourselves and our children especially to be happy and healthy and I'm having a hard time latley doubting myself over meeting and exceeding what her body's needs nutritionaly-- especially now in regards to supporting healthy teeth. 

So far I've seen the plant-based lifestyle so benifit myself, my husband and now a child. Now, of course this does not mean I've always had a perfect leafy green-packed diet and that my child has never had a sucker, however I'm still shocked she's dealing witha cavity at such a young age. Even with my and my husbands unfortinate genetics in terms of dental disadvantages, i figured I was supporting her well enough and almost completly having a processed-sugar free household would keep cavities at bay and no I'm forced to rethink what I'm missing. 


Sorry for the novel! Any advice/ help is so very much appreciated. 

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