April 8, 2018
  1 Replies
  3.8K Visits

The Century Challenge was posted on March first, 2018. Since then, there has only been one response - thanks, Sean!

As posted on a health and wellness website, I was expecting a lot more participation, so this is a "bump" for the challenge. Following the lifestyle promoted on the Dr. Caney website will make the Century Challenge a cinch - something really fun to pursue. So, please revisit and sign up for the Century Challenge. You can consider it whatever appeals to you; a challenge, a competition, a goal, or just for all the free prizes (see Prizes in the Century Challenge blog).  

Feel free to sign up here or in the comments section of the Century Challenge blog post.

See you there!

6 years ago

It is a good challenge. Thanks for making it. We should be able to live a long time eating Starch-Smart, but more importantly live a far superior life. One of thriving abundance. At least healthwise. :-)

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