Hello Sue,
You are again asking a question specifically geared towards people who have chosen to eat following the Starch-Smartest category which is designed as therapeutic living for illness reversal or to reverse severe obesity. This is not necessarily the program for all people and all circumstances. In the Starch-Smartest program all processed foods are avoided. This even includes some foods that are considered minimally processed. Dr. Carney's article "Food Processing Made Simple" might help you to understand more a reason why certain foods are avoided in this stricter dietary program.
The reasons for this are covered in detail in Dr. Carney's Video "Why We Do What We Do?"
But, again there are issues of the quicker blood sugar assimilation and the calorie density of the products as well as reduced nutritional density. As well, it is very easy to gain weight when eating flour products.
In the Starch-Smartest program even light processing is avoided. All of Dr. Carney's other program levels are less restrictive.
I hope this helps.
PS. There are some alternatives to breadcrumbs that people use but those also would not be Starch-Smartest. :-(