July 22, 2017
  2 Replies
  5.5K Visits
Has anyone tried Niveau Krill oil for thinning hair due to the effect of menopause? I have read good reviews, but I want to hopefully get some first- hand experience from any users on this forum.Thank you!
7 years ago
Hello Ann, That is an interesting question, although one we were probably not expecting to have asked on this forum since the Starch-Smart System is a whole food, plant based, no oil program. Krill oil is certainly not approved for the Starch-Smart System. We should avoid all oils, and especially oils (fats) from animals. Krill live on little green plants called phytoplankton. Anything beneficial that they have acquired woud have come from their having eaten those plants. Most people do not eat enough little green plants. Leafy green plants are really good for us and can be eaten freely. Dr. Carney frequently recommends eating leafy greens at two meals per day.   There is a very good video by Dr. Carney called [url=/shop/dvds-streaming-media/cancer-prevention-women-s-health]Cancer Prevention & Women's Health[/url] which you may want to watch, I think you will find it helps to understand the cause of the hair loss. She also has another video called [url=/shop/dvds-streaming-media/perfect-health-requires-perfect-circulation]Perfect Health Requires Perfect Circulation[/url] which will probably also be beneficial to you.  Hopefully Dr. Carney will find some time to reply as well, but until then I am hoping you might watch the videos(s) and then after that return to ask any questions that come to mind. Of course you are always welcome to ask questions whether you watch the videos or not. But, they might give you a lot of great answers and also possibly bring to your mind some other questions.  Thank you for joining us. Sean
7 years ago
Hi Ann, Krill oil will not help to thicken hair in either men nor women. It is highly contaminated with pollutants, and should be avoided by everyone. To thicken your hair the fastest, you need to slow down the aging process. Nothing does this better than my Starch-Smartest System, a youth-preserving way of life.  [url=starch-smart-system/starch-smartest]https://www.drcarney.com/starch-smart-system/starch-smartest[/url][url=starch-smart-system/starch-smartest][/url] The least AGE's you can ingest, the better for slowing down the hair loss that is common after age 50.  AGE's are advanced glycation end-products, of which raw produce has some of the least of all the foods one could choose to eat.  Sweet potatoes, greens, and beans are among the cooked foods that are also especially good at preserving hair if no oil is added to them.
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