May 9, 2017
  1 Replies
  3.7K Visits

Hello to All!  I'm in the Dallas area and connected with a couple other people who live near me at Healthfest this year.  We think it'd be great to start a potluck gathering (if there's not one here already) in which we can share great food and build friendships and support around WFPB low fat living!  So, my question is for those who have done this:  What have you found, to be the best day/time for people to come?   
(**My first idea was to do a weekend "brunch" and keep with Dr. Carney's premise of "breakfast as a king,"  but then wondered if because of lots of weekend chores and activities, many people wouldn't be able to attend....?) 

I know that we will experiement with this, but thought I'd ask about Best Practices from the experts first. Thank you so much for your leadership---appreciated!!


7 years ago

In Austin we settled on Sunday's from noon to three in the afternoon. It seems to work really well for us. We used to do it monthly at various locations and homes but we outgrew that and now meet in the fellowship hall of the South Austin Seventh-day Adventist Church who have generously allowed us the space and even stream our presentations for us across the Internet.  Start small and work your way up.  :-)

The one downside we have encountered is that some people are not able to atttend because they are in church on Sundays. 

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