Hi Linda, a few questions for you. My cholesterol is 169 after eating wfpbno for over 1 1/2 years now. It doesn't seem to want to go any lower. I am probably 99% compliant, 5'6 and 115 lbs. I read an article a while back which said that T. Colin...
MoreHi Linda, a few questions for you. My cholesterol is 169 after eating wfpbno for over 1 1/2 years now. It doesn't seem to want to go any lower. I am probably 99% compliant, 5'6 and 115 lbs. I read an article a while back which said that T. Colin Campbells cholesterol was 170, so I was kind of feeling ok with mine. Should I still be thinking it could go lower? Also in an interview I listened to recently with Dr. Esstelstyn, the interviewer asked him about the 150 heart attachk proof number. Dr. Esstelstyn started to clairify by saying that he thinks he was a little aggresive with that number in his earlyier book, then the interviewer got him side tracked and he never finished clairifing his statement. I'm not sure what he was going to finish saying. So those are my first few questions. The other is, my husband is over 300 lbs and does not follow twoe. It's all I fix at home but he can eat what ever he wants out of the house. His closet looks like a pharmacy. He is 62. I am very concerned about him and finally got an apt for him to have 3 tests done in a wellness package I signed him up for. They will test for Carotid Artery disease...Peripheral Artereal Disease and Abdominal Aoric Aneurysm. Are these tests going to show enough of his problems or are some of his problems going to slip through the cracks? Sorry for so long. Thanks for any advice! :)
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