I found it interesting that Dr. Carney limits herself to 1 T. of coconut a year. So being allergic to chocolate could be related to the insects in chocolate.
It is a good idea to drink 1 and 2 hrs.. after breakfast to help move the fibre along.
I have started eating greens, beans and sweet or...MoreI found it interesting that Dr. Carney limits herself to 1 T. of coconut a year. So being allergic to chocolate could be related to the insects in chocolate.
It is a good idea to drink 1 and 2 hrs.. after breakfast to help move the fibre along.
I have started eating greens, beans and sweet or regular potatoes in morning. Getting to bed between 9-10 pm is really helping me feel more energetic in the morning. Usually I get 8 hrs. In bed, I am wondering if I could get by with 7 hrs. I try not to drink late, but I still find that I am up 3 times going to the bathroom ,very annoying.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.