prentir commented on this post about 6 years agoHello everyone. So Dr. Carney's Starch Smartest system says to eat veggies for breakfast. What do you have for quick breakfast? Also, it says NO vinegar, which I use Balsamic vinegar for salad dressing... what do you use for salad dressing?
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We make salad dressings out of just about anything we can blend up such as fresh fruits, whole grains, cooked starchy vegetables, and more. We think about the color and consistency we want and then think of something to put in the blender with a little lemon or line and some seasonings. More ...
I also need help with breakfast ideas, and dinner,.. your starch smartest is saying fruit for dinner?
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You might also want to read this: https://www.drcarney.com/starch-smart-system/beans-greens-squash-and-yams
We also have a blog about how we surround ourselves with food and make it quick and easy to prepare breakfasts:
I hope these few links will give you some great ideas.
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My hands down favorite dressing is PlantPure Nation's Sweet Tahini dressing. Recipe here:
https://books.google.com/books?id=sy_5CQAAQBAJ&Hi Lori,
My hands down favorite dressing is PlantPure Nation's Sweet Tahini dressing. Recipe here:
The PlantPure cookbook is one of my favorites.
I also love using homemade pico de gallo or salsa as my dressing on whatever vegetables or steamed greens I'm having.
And finally, here's a link to a page on Dr. McDougall's site that has a variety of dressings. You might get an idea there.
https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/education/recipes/mcdougall-recipes/?cat-id=9&cat-name=Dressings More ...