DrCarney.com Blog

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Use Caution with Seaweed Consumption

Use Caution with Seaweed Consumption

"Under the sea / Darling it's better / down where it's wetter." And if you're a fish or even a Little Mermaid, that's probably true. But for those of us with two legs firmly planted on land, not everything is better under the sea. Some foods from "down where it's wetter" might be better left...

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Do Cruciferous Veggies Impair Thyroid Function?

Thyroid Gland Diagrams

Cruciferous vegetables are known to be protective against thyroid cancer, as well as against breast, prostate, colorectal, bladder, and lung cancer. This beneficial effect of cruciferous vegetables is due to compounds called glucosinolates which the body metabolizes into isothiocyanates (ITCs). Based on animal studies though, some have theorized that cruciferous vegetables might interfere with thyroid...

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