DrCarney.com Blog

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This is Your Brain - On Pork Tapeworms

This is Your Brain - On Pork Tapeworms

Do you know of someone that needs a good reason to switch to a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet? If so, you may want to share the two videos below with them featuring Dr. Michael Greger. This information may motivate your bacon-loving friends to reconsider their disease promoting diets! A review by the Mayo Clinic describes how...

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Reversing and Preventing Migraine Headaches

Reversing and Preventing Migraine Headaches

Studies have shown that plant-based diets can provide relief for migraine headache sufferers, in particular a low-fat plant-based diet. In fact foods trump supplements in providing relief. At the same time, foods can greatly contribute to migraine headaches. Animal products such as meat and cheese are known migraine trigger foods. If you suffer from reoccurring...

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