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Q&A With Pediatrician Jay Gordon MD

Q&A With Pediatrician Jay Gordon MD

Dr. Jay Gordon is a pediatrician that uses whole-food, plant-based nutrition as preventative medicine in his medical practice in California. In the above eleven-minute video, Dr. Gordon addresses common questions regarding children's nutritional needs and the importance of establishing good eating habits at home.

A few of the topics he covers are:  

  • The benefits of children eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • How a plant-centered diet impacts children's developing brains and bodies
  • Raw vs cooked vegetables
  • Childhood obesity
  • What to say to children when they want to eat the junk food that their peers are eating
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No One Needs to Eat Meat for Health

No One Needs to Eat Meat for Health

Dr. Jay Gordon, is a pediatrician that uses whole-food, plant-based nutrition as preventative medicine in his medical practice in California. He's a nationally recognized pediatrician, nutritionist, lecturer, teacher, magazine columnist, and the author of numerous books. 

We first learned of Dr. Gordon's passion regarding nutritional medicine from watching the Processed People documentary. Dr. Gordon is one of the many plant-based physicians that are featured in this documentary. The one minute video excerpt below highlights Dr. Gordon speaking about protein needs and how we don't need to consume animal products in order to be healthy. The above video clip was taken from the "Processed People" documentary.

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Jay Gordon, MD

Jay Gordon, MD

We first encountered Dr. Jay Gordon, M.D. while watching the video Processed People. Always impressed with any Physician interested in nutrition in healing, we are especially are we encouraged when a pediatrician encourages plant-based nutrition. Teaching a child when he is young is just smart medicine. He is the author of several books and has...

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