DrCarney.com Blog

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Dairy Associated With Recurrent Ear Infections

Dairy Associated With Recurrent Ear Infections

Earaches and ear infections are one of the most common reasons why parents bring their children to the doctor's office. In most cases, those children who develop an ear infection will develop subsequent infections. My heart's desire is to prevent these children from suffering repeatedly. This requires first relieving their current earache or ear infection...

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Lisa's Daughter Resolved Chronic Ear Infections

Lisa's Daughter Resolved Chronic Ear Infections

Lisa's daughter was almost two when she began to have recurrent ear infections. She went to see two Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctors that suggested that her daughter have tubes surgically inserted into both ears. Lisa wasn't comfortable with this recommendation, so she began to search the Internet for alternative treatments. She discovered Dr. Joel...

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Are Ear Infections Normal?

Are Ear Infections Normal?

Ear infections (otitis media) in children are one of the most common reasons to be seen by a doctor. It's hard on any parent to watch their child struggle with ear pain. However, most ear infections, whether viral or bacterial in nature, typically clear up on their own, without the use of antibiotics. Over treating every...

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