DrCarney.com Blog

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Losing Weight With Chef AJ is Fun and Delicious!

Losing Weight With Chef AJ is Fun and Delicious!

Have you tried counting calories and carbs to lose weight...but have failed...only to gain back the weight you lost...plus more? Because calorie-restricted diets still allow high-fat, calorie-dense and highly-palatable meals containing animal products, processed foods, sugar, salt, and oils...the root of the problem (food addictions) is not resolved. Any weight that is lost is only...

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How to Respond to Holiday Food Bullies

How to Respond to Holiday Food Bullies

Our Food Choices Spark the Curiosity of Others. Feasting on foods that are heavily processed and high in animal products, fat, calories, salt, sugar and oils while deficient in nutrients tends to play a central role in social gatherings and celebratory occasions. Therefore, it can be extremely awkward to eat healthfully and keep your health goals...

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Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind

Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind

Why do highly processed foods give us so much pleasure, while at the same time being so harmful? Dr. Doug Lisle says that the "answer is related to a system called the motivational triad." "This is a trio of biological mechanisms that nature has designed into every creature on planet earth so that they can...

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Which Foods are the Most Popular?

Which Foods are the Most Popular?

What three ingredients do food manufacturers add to addict you and increase sales of their products? You will find these three addictive substances in the majority of today's hyper-palatable processed and fast foods. And... drumroll please... the three secret ingredients are: sugar, fat, and salt. But, why? These ingredients "seduce our taste buds" by stimulating...

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Why Have We Become Food Addicts?

Why Have We Become Food Addicts?

 There is a hidden force that has turned many smart, savvy people into unwitting saboteurs of their own wellbeing. Dr. Douglas Lisle explains why we have become food addicts & offers some great advice on how to overcome this addictive lifestyle.

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Douglas Lisle, PhD

Douglas Lisle, PhD

We were privileged to meet Doug Lisle, who came to Austin, Texas to speak at a few lifestyle programs, including one we helped with in Hawaii. He is a gifted speaker. We know that he speaks at numerous weekend immersion programs. Douglas is a coauthor of the book The Pleasure Trap, which was featured in...

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