
Assuming prevent is required, and cancer is required, the following results were found.

  • Can Lifestyle Choices Help Prevent Cancer?

    According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) , an estimated 14.1 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed, and 8.2 million cancer deaths were recorded in 2012. And these numbers are expected to keep rising in the coming years....
  • Antioxidant Supplements Do Not Prevent Cancer

    Cancers are a deadly disease resulting annually in millions of deaths worldwide. In 2012, 8.2 million people were estimated to die from cancer globally, and more than half a million people were projected to die from cancer in 2016 in the United States....
  • How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

    "The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case," writes Michael Greger MD, in his new book entitled, "How Not to Die." "The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6...
  • Using Diet to Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer in men is a hormone-dependent cancer; much like breast cancer is in women. Dr. Neal Barnard, president of The Cancer Project, does an excellent job of explaining what we can do to help prevent it as well as helping us fight it, for...
  • Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids — although more than 75% of Americans are affected at some point in their lives, hemorrhoids aren't exactly a topic that everyone enjoys discussing. If you're looking for relief, you'll be glad to know that eating a diet rich in fiber can...
  • 3 Diseases Whole Grains May Help Prevent

    The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the consumption of 3 to 5 servings of whole grains for adults and 2 to 3 servings for children. Unfortunately, a large number of adults and children in the US are consuming too much refined grain flour...
  • Early Suppers May Help Prevent Disease

    Evening snacking might affect much more than the numbers on the bathroom scale. A new study shows that waiting longer between supper and breakfast reduces our risk of both breast cancer and diabetes. Eating in accordance with our body's natural...
  • Avoid Dairy to Prevent Type-1 Diabetes

    Diabetes is a serious disease and is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. Having diabetes doubles the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. In fact, stroke and heart attacks " account for 84% of diabetes-related deaths ." Many other...
  • Can a Plant-Based Diet Prevent/Treat Kidney Stones?

    Kidney stones affect approximately 1 in 11 people in the United States, although only 1 in 20 were affected 20 years ago. The incidence of kidney stones has been rising steadily after World War II and affects more men than women. Anyone who has passed...
  • Using Diet to Prevent Colon Polyps

    Colon cancer, is the second most deadly cancer. Approximately 180,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States and Europe. Dr. John McDougall says that colon cancer "is a disease primarily of people consuming a diet high in meats...
  • Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Breast Cancer

    In 1982, Dr. John McDougall published the very first study accepted in a scientific journal regarding diet and the treatment of breast cancer. He believes that the rich Western diet causes breast cancer, and a change in diet makes a huge difference in...
  • Pepper and Cancer

    member who is recovering from colorectal cancer said he plans on using black pepper in his meals. He says it helps prevent cancer. Have you heard about this connection?
  • Diet and Cancer Research

    diet can reduce the risk of developing cancer. This is an excellent place to become acquanted with foods that prevent cancer and to browse the their latest resources . PCRM has produced the Cancer Survivors Guide which is an excellent book that I...
  • Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes.

    direct exposure to sunlight, and ingesting large quantities of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help to prevent cancer. A healthy lifestyle is, therefore, essential to preventing cancer.
  • Unscrambling the Truth About Eggs

    Are eggs really that "incredible" or are the industry's marketing strategies "incredible?" You might be surprised to learn how big industries use clever marketing strategies to boost the sale of their products. One technique that Dr. John McDougall...
  • Dr. Carney's Care Philosophy

    Linda Carney MD helps you to prevent and reverse disease! So many health problems are worsened by lifestyle habits, such as inappropriate nutrition, inadequate sleep, drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and stretching, as well as negative thought...
  • Fighting Breast Cancer With Chemo or Oatmeal?

    If you are a woman, what steps are you taking to prevent from being diagnosed with breast cancer? As Dr. John McDougall points out in the two-minute video below, most women believe that the best way to protect themselves is through early detection...
  • Which Foods Suppress Cancer Cell Growth?

    In 2009 an important study was conducted which tested the ability of 34 vegetables to suppress tumor cells in 8 different types of human cancer. The types of cancer cells that were tested were from the lung, kidney, brain, stomach, prostate, pancreas,...
  • Using Flax & Chia Seeds to Fight Breast Cancer

    What are Lignans and Where are They Found? Lignans are anti-carcinogenic chemical compounds found only in plant foods. The plant foods which contain the highest level of lignans are also very high in fiber. Flax and chia seeds in particular contain the...
  • Eating - 3rd Edition

    These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular (heart) disease, the #1 killer in America today, can be reversed by switching to The Rave Diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world's leading authorities...

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