Eggs Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk
The higher the consumption of eggs, the greater the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Unfortunately, the United States is among the top egg consuming nations in the... -
Statins Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Is your cholesterol on the high side ? Then, there is a great chance that your physician will want to place you on statins. “ Statins ”, known scientifically as HMG CoA inhibitors, are a class of drugs that reduce the concentration of cholesterol in... -
What is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is a term often mentioned these days when public health is discussed. We hear about it on the news and see it mentioned in blogs and articles. But have you ever wondered, "Exactly what is metabolic syndrome?" You're not alone. By... -
ED is a Warning Sign of Clogged Arteries
Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often referred to as " the canary in the coal mine ?" This expression originates from the time when coal miners would carry caged canaries into the mine to detect carbon monoxide or other poisonous gas... -
Red Meat Makes Men's Scent Unpleasant to Women
Yep, they found 32 women willing to smell and rate men's underarm odor. And these brave women made the sacrifice in the name of science. Their only compensation was a gift of a perfume tester after the first rating session and a 100g bar of chocolate... -
Controlling Weight with Circadian Rhythms
"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature," said the Chiffon margarine commercial of the 1970s. According to Chiffon, it was possible to "fool Mother Nature," but if we did it — said the commercial — we would suffer the consequences. Today, we know that... -
Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"
Olive oil is as American as baseball and apple pie. Its monounsaturated omega-3's have long been touted for being "heart healthy." But if olive oil ready did protect our hearts from heart disease, then why do one out of every three Americans die from... -
What Factors Influence Testosterone Levels?
Commercials promoting testosterone therapy for men are becoming increasingly popular. These commercials target men who are experiencing symptoms of muscle loss, fatigue, weight gain, depression, difficulty concentrating, low libido, elevated lipid... -
Fad Diets Part 3
This is part 3 in the Fad Diets series. Please also see Part 1 and Part 2 . During the 1970's I worked as a repair technician at a high-end audiophile shop. I loved working with that equipment. It was all handcrafted works of art composed from the... -
Fatty Foods May Increase Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Pancreatic cancer is a predominantly fatal form of cancer in adults. It is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, and by 2020, it is expected to surpass colorectal cancer as the second leading cause of deaths from cancer... -
High-Fiber Diets Reduce Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a growing global public health epidemic. The number of people suffering from diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 worldwide. Sadly, this figure is expected to rise to about 642 million by 2040 . Type 2 diabetes... -
3 Diseases Linked to Egg Consumption
It is one of the unhealthiest foods in the standard American diet, yet it is still one of the most consumed foods in the United States. Thanks to the marketing efforts of the egg industry, eggs are erroneously promoted as a healthy food. But data from... -
Animal Fat Increases Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
A 2013 study conducted on populations that were 65 years or older in Japan, and eight other countries including India, China and Brazil showed that, "As animal fat and calorie consumption increased, so did obesity rates and prevalence of Alzheimer's... -
Coffee Negatively Affects Sleep
Want to improve the quality of sleep and enjoy peaceful rest at night? Stop the consumption of caffeinated products, such as coffee and soda (no matter how early you drink them). This is the message of a study that evaluated the effect of caffeine on... -
"Die Sooner with Good Looking Numbers"
Sit down and brace yourself for this one, you're about to read truths about our health care system that will disturb you, but hopefully motivate you to make the transition to a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet! One of the many reasons why we admire Dr.... -
Resistant Starch is NOT Futile
The phrase "resistance is futile" entered the pop-culture lexicon in 1989 when The Borg appeared on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation . The show's creators probably had no idea that somewhere in a laboratory in England, scientists were...