Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Control Part 2 - When Things Go Amiss
By far, the most valuable knowledge I learned at the beginning of my Type-1 diabetes journey is that my blood-sugar is directly controlled by me. The inability to make my own insulin means that my metabolic system is “open-loop”. Open loop means the... -
Our Beloved Fats and Evil Carbs
Over the years, our society has discovered new dietary insights. Each new discovery results in a shift to a different and highly popular diet coined with its own name. Currently, some of the most popular diets are Paleo, Mediterranean and the old... -
Vegan Diets Beneficial for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention
A group of Italian and American researchers have uncovered a simple diet that can help millions of people avoid diabetes. According to the researchers, strict adherence to a low-fat, oil-free plant-based diet can help prevent type 2 diabetes. For this... -
Ken's Engineered Type 1 Diabetes Whole Food Plant Based Low Fat Lifestyle
Previous experiences with my doctors were extremely difficult because they wanted to control my Type 1 diabetes by prescribing specific medication doses and defining what I should eat. But, none of that was working. I felt extremely diseased and... -
Does Insulin Make You Fat?
Have you heard the one where the question is asked, "Do these clothes make me look fat?" And the reply is; "No... the fat makes you look fat." It is often promoted, by many doctors, nutritionists and other professionals that insulin is responsible for... -
Taiwanese vegetarians have higher insulin sensitivity than omnivores.
of 49 Budhist lactovegetarians and 49 omnivores between the ages of 35-49 years living in Hualien, Taiwan. The insulin resistance and serum concentrations of thyroxine, cortisol, glucose, fasting insulin, and thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) were also... -
RE: Caring for my newly diagnosed 8 year old with Type 1
recovery, I would not recommend skittles because they contain oil - worse yet; hydrogenated oil. Oil increases insulin resistance making synchronization extremely difficult to near impossible. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I think that is... -
Blood-Sugar Simplified
While the biological mechanisms of blood-sugar control are indeed complicated, the basics are quite simple: blood-sugar is an equilibrium between supply and consumption. Sugar, specifically glucose, is biology's primary fuel. The drawing above... -
The effects of pomegranate consumption on glycemic indices in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
of pomegranate on markers of glycemic control, such as haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), fasting insulin, and blood glucose. Researchers conducted a meta-analysis on data and evidence extracted from... -
RE: T1 Diabetic
for tracking to manage the control. Low-Fat (10% or less calories from fat) is also required because fat increases insulin resistance. Insulin resistance raises the blood-sugar baseline and slides control out of sync. Here is an excerpt from my book to... -
RE: T1 Diabetic
is that it is very hard, if not impossible to synchronize your system if insulin resistant. As mentioned earlier, insulin resistance is increased with any fat intake that is 10% (or greater) of total calories. For me, and it appears typical of others, a... -
Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Control
My previous doctor(s) informed me that no matter how diligently I controlled my diabetes that I will still suffer diabetic complications. I believe this is said because the conventionally prescribed A1C levels of 6 to 7 percent, for Type-1 diabetics... -
Why Weight Loss Might Be Evading Us?
I am Frequently contacted by people who after adopting a whole-foods plant-based lifestyle in order to lose weight, have become frustrated due to not seeing the results they had been hoping for. Some become extremely discouraged and contemplate giving... -
Intramyocellular lipid concentrations are correlated with insulin sensitivity in humans: a 1H NMR spectroscopy study.
are associated with high insulin sensitivity. This study was carried out to determine the relationship between insulin resistance and intramuscular lipid concentration. Using a proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy technique and 2-h... -
Whole grain intake and insulin sensitivity: evidence from observational studies.
Frequent consumption of whole grains may help enhance insulin sensitivity in individuals. Insulin resistance is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes. This meta-analysis assessed the effect of high intake of whole grains on insulin sensitivity. Researchers... -
Acute caffeine ingestion reduces insulin sensitivity in healthy subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
A significant reduction in insulin sensitivity may be found in healthy individuals who consumed caffeine regularly. Insulin resistance is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes. This study evaluated the impact dietary intake of caffeine has on insulin... -
RE: Type 1 Diabetes Helpful Support Discussions
getting plenty from the greens I eat. I never eat any seeds, nuts, etc. because the high fat concentration increases insulin resistance - which in turn increases insulin response delay - which in turn increases blood-sugar spikes and reduces energy.... -
RE: Diabetes
Kevin, I agree with Ken. The cause of Diabetes Type 2 is insulin resistance, which comes from 4 things that have nothing to do with eating sugar, foremost of which is eating dietary fat such as oil, nuts, seeds, coconut, or avocado. The other factors... -
RE: Type 1 Diabetes Helpful Support Discussions
consists of about 5-6% fat, 6-8% protein and the rest is all carbohydrates. A major element of my control is keeping insulin resistance as low as possible. In that effort, I am an obsessive low-fat fanatic. I won't eat anything that contains any... -
Fad Diets
There are countless diets inundating our society and they are all wildly different - most are polar opposites; some heavily promote a certain food while others say to never eat that food. They all have an identifying trade name such as; Adkins,...