
Did you mean: dairy products raises?

  • Are Allergies Linked to Nutritional Factors?

    As someone who suffered from asthma and allergies since childhood, I'm very familiar with the tight breathing, the nasal congestion, and the throat irritation associated with those conditions. For most of my life, I'd eaten what I thought was a pretty...
  • Lower Your Cholesterol Using Fiber!

    If you're tired of all the side effects from taking statins to reduce your cholesterol, you may be interested in trying another approach that's safe, side-effect free, and shown to reduce cholesterol more than statins . What does this new approach...
  • NFL Player David Carter Proves Carnivorous Skeptics Wrong

    Psychological studies show that men from Western cultures associate consuming meat with masculinity, virility, high testosterone levels/libido, power and physical strength. The belief that meat is a superior masculine food permeates most gyms, athletic...
  • How to Make Creamy, Oil-Free Vegan Delights

    Motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar once quipped , "I'm so optimistic I'd go after Moby Dick in a row boat and take the tartar sauce with me." Although Zig was an optimist, he wasn't a vegan. If he had been, would he have had to forego the...
  • Are You Eating Like Royalty?

    A review of the best scientific literature establishes beyond reproach that the majority of disease seen by medical professionals today is a direct result of our quest for, and reliance on, animal-source food. This is no surprise to Dr. John McDougall,...
  • Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids — although more than 75% of Americans are affected at some point in their lives, hemorrhoids aren't exactly a topic that everyone enjoys discussing. If you're looking for relief, you'll be glad to know that eating a diet rich in fiber can...
  • Is GERD a Symptom of a Hiatal Hernia?

    Half of the adults living in America who consume the rich Western diet have permanently stretched the diaphragm that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Many patients are unaware that they have stretched their diaphragm; some...
  • Anthropologist Debunks Paleo Diet

    Loren Cordain, PhD, founder of the Paleo Diet movement, says, "The starting place for optimal human diets Ares [sic] the minimally processed fresh meats, seafood, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts that were the staple of our ancestral diet." But...
  • Statin Drugs and Cholesterol Reduction

    Heart disease has become our nation's number one killer, with coronary heart disease being the most common type of heart disease, causing more than 385,000 deaths per year. This results in a heart attack occurring within every 30-40 seconds. Having a...
  • But Doctor, Do I HAVE to Eat Kale?

    The environmental movement isn't the only one to advocate "going green;" physicians, nutritionist, and medical researchers are all trumpeting the benefits of "going green" at mealtimes, and kale seems to be the focus of all the buzz. But just exactly...

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