
Assuming coronary is required, and artery is required, and disease is required, the following results were found.

  • Pomegranate's Powerful Health Benefits

    Pomegranate season is here! This beautiful fruit provides numerous health benefits and can be used to embellish many holiday dishes. According to two of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's articles, the time spent seeding this fruit is well worth it. The phytochemical...
  • Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?

    Occasionally, it happens. Loving parents who've read the research on the advantages of a plant-based diet are accused of neglecting their children by refusing to give them animal products. Currently in Italy, there is proposed legislation that would...
  • Protect Your Heart With Starch-Based Diet

    Restaurant owner, Judy Patti, prepared her meals the way most Americans do, using a vast selection of meat, dairy, eggs and oil. She admits her poor dietary choices were the root cause of her illness. Judy was 60 pounds overweight, had high blood...
  • Sharp Cholesterol Crystals Cut - Causing Casualties!

    In my previous blog, How do the Majority of Heart Attacks Occur? Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. demonstrates how the greatest percentage of heart attacks ( 87.5% ) occur when newly formed plaques on the inside of our arteries rupture, causing a clot to...
  • What is Metabolic Syndrome?

    Metabolic syndrome is a term often mentioned these days when public health is discussed. We hear about it on the news and see it mentioned in blogs and articles. But have you ever wondered, "Exactly what is metabolic syndrome?" You're not alone. By...
  • Is Vegan the New Viagra?

    Many men think eating plants is "wimpy" because real men hunt, kill and eat meat for its presumed "superior" (muscle building) protein . On the contrary, a plant-based diet boosts virility/fertility , enhances athletic performance , and supports...
  • Win the War on Coffee Addiction

    Coffee, Java, Espresso, Mocha, Frappuccino, Cafe Latte.... These names of coffee no doubt produce a pleasing aroma to many. Coffee's ability to enhance mood, physical activity, and mental performance makes it a widely consumed beverage. Many popular...

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