By Research Summaries on June 9, 2024
Category: Colorectal Cancer

Dietary trans-fatty acid intake in relation to cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Preference for foods loaded with trans-fatty acids may increase an individual's chances of having prostate and colorectal cancer.

​This study analyzed the findings of 4 previously published studies that focused on the link between frequent intake of foods high in trans-fatty acids and the probability of acquiring cancer. Nutritional data from 37 cancer patients were studied for this meta-analysis. 

Researchers found out that elevated consumption of foods rich in trans-fatty acids raised the risk of developing different types of cancer, including colorectal and prostate cancer. This study arrived at the conclusion that indulgence in foods packed with trans-fatty acids may trigger the formation and spread of cancerous cells and tumors in the prostate, colon, and rectum.

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