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  • MMdrfood updated his profile
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  • Martin,
    We are so grateful for your blog. Thank you.
    I wanted to let you know that I made a couple tweaks, not to your content but to how it was published:
    1) I selected two blog categories (put a check in the box) of Weight Control and Travel Related. I removed the category of "Unpublished"...
    We are so grateful for your blog. Thank you.
    I wanted to let you know that I made a couple tweaks, not to your content but to how it was published:
    1) I selected two blog categories (put a check in the box) of Weight Control and Travel Related. I removed the category of "Unpublished" which is very important. So, from now on please select one blog category or maybe two and then remove the default selection of "Unpublished".
    2) I also put your title in Title Case. :-)
    I hope we will be seeing more blogs from you! :-)
    Also, I would like to ask you to consider publishing with a Main photo for each blog. They look better and get read more often. You can do that from within the publishing interface. If you don't have an image in mind I can look for something. I have quite a few images in the Shared Images folder that you can use. We size the images to be 830 pixels wide.
    The way to publish the images is as follows:
    Click on "Post Cover" in the top right just about the editing field.
    Click on Browse Media
    Click on My Media to select upload a personal image or select one you have already uploaded. You can create sub-folders to organize your images.
    OR: Click on Shared Media to navigate through the images that we have purchased and which are available for use on our web site.
    You can either upload images to your My Media folder or you can select an image that we own a license to from our Shared Media folder.

    Let me know if you have an image or if you want me to find something for your blog?

    Thanks, Sean
    PS. I will also send this as a private message.
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  • kenscircus is now friends with MMdrfood
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  • MMdrfood is now following kenscircus
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  • drcarney is now friends with MMdrfood
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  • MMdrfood is now following drcarney
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  • Let me know if you ever get ready to try your hand at blogging again. :-) We are using a completely new editor now. I hope you will find it easier. :-) We loved your before and after pics on facebook and hope you had a fantastic birthday.
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  • scarney is now friends with MMdrfood
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  • pandrews is now friends with MMdrfood
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  • MMdrfood is now following scarney
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  • MMdrfood unlocked the badge Newbie
    Being part of a community. To unlock this badge, you need to register on this site.
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  • MMdrfood just registered on the site
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