Lisa's daughter was almost two when she began to have recurrent ear infections. She went to see two Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctors that suggested that her daughter have tubes surgically inserted into both ears. Lisa wasn't comfortable with this recommendation, so she began to search the Internet for alternative treatments. She discovered Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, "Disease Proof Your Child" and read the chapter that discussed ear infections.
She was surprised to learn that dairy products are associated with developing this condition. After taking the dairy out of their diets, and increasing their fruit and vegetable intake, her daughter no longer suffers from chronic infections, and did not have to have the surgery.
Lisa had already been a vegetarian for many years, but it wasn't until she removed the dairy and increased the amount of whole, nutrient-rich plant food that she saw the astonishing results.
This is such a common scenario I often try to encourage patients to give serious dietary changes a try before agreeing to undergo surgical procedures.