Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a painful, chronic health condition in which the lower esophageal sphincter (a muscular valve between the esophagus and stomach) relaxes, which causes the contents in the stomach to travel up the esophagus. This may cause painful acidic burning of the esophagus.
Obesity, pregnancy, and certain prescription medications can contribute to GERD as well as eating an unhealthy diet. Most physicians are quick to write a prescription to alleviate the condition instead of suggesting dietary changes. Long-term use of antacids are associated with many health problems, including vitamin B-12 deficiency and an increased risk of bone fractures. According to Dr. John McDougall, "Antacid pills are powerful enough to stop the production of acid by the stomach; to believe they have no other effects on the body is naive. Common long term side effects include: breast swelling in males (gynecomasty), loss of libido, impotence, mental confusion, and headache." He also says that we should not be surprised that they can temporarily or permanently affect cognitive functions of the brain.
Thankfully, diet and lifestyle modifications can quickly relieve the symptoms and arrest this painful and serious condition. Dr. John McDougall states, "The majority of people who attend my clinic report having frequent indigestion and about 25% are taking antacids when they arrive. Within a day of changing their diet almost all of them have discarded their antacids pills and are free of all stomach distress." This is pretty much my experience as well with the participants of the Engine 2 Immersions while I served as Medical Director, as well as with my own patients.
If Dr. McDougall's participants are still having trouble, he asks them to stop the raw vegetables (especially the onions, green peppers, radishes, and cucumbers), all fruit juice (the whole fruit is fine), and hot spices. He will also raise the head of their bed by 4 to 6 inches." These are also strategies I agree with.
Dr. McDougall's Medical Message on GERD is 3 minutes in length.
For additional information regarding GERD and asthma, click on the following links: