DrCarney.com Blog

Health - Food - Science - Community
Eating a low-fat, gluten-free whole foods vegan diet since 1985.

Food Gossip: False Facts in the Food World

Food Gossip: False Facts in the Food World

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Hello everyone! It's been awhile. I've been happily assisting many people from all over the world to transition to a whole foods plant-based diet. I consider it a significant privilege & honour to be able to do so. In the process of providing research-based info to folks about this way of eating, they...

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  7200 Hits



Guest Blogger Contribution.
In Canada, we get a leg-up on the giving of thanks. Our official weekend is in October. This year, it’s on Monday the 13th. In our household, it also coincides with a family member’s birthday, so for us, it is an especially thankful time. At the beginning of the meal, in addition to...

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  3600 Hits

Popular (but potentially unhealthy) “health” foods

Popular (but potentially unhealthy) “health” foods

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Have you heard people raving about the power of “magic potions” like coconut oil, Kombucha tea or Nomi juice to solve all sorts of health issues? They are all plant-based, so are they good for us? I am listing the following, popularized as health-food, with links to the explanations of how they may...

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Guest Blogger Contribution.
Carbophobia as defined in the Urban Dictionary is “An irrational fear of element 6 of the periodic table (aka carbon), from which all organic life is based. …Currently a source of great hysteria. Carbophobia has reached such levels it’s become its own religion.” While that definition is just as wee bit tongue-in-cheek, I...

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  7248 Hits

Where there is life, there is hope!

Where there is life, there is hope!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
So there I was, plugging along in my low-fat vegan lifestyle. Everything is going fine, although I will admit that I was feeling a little lonely for more flesh-and-blood vegans (in addition to my lovely facebook vegan friends!). In the past, hubby & I would go into the city once per month to...

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  4552 Hits

Vegan Isolation

Vegan Isolation

As assistant administrator for a popular facebook group, I often hear from new members saying they feel very isolated as a vegan. Many are surrounded by meat-eaters in their private and public lives, so for them, such groups may be their only way of socializing with other vegans, such as it is. From what I've...

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  3654 Hits

Ode to Chocolate

Ode to Chocolate

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Ah chocolate, oh dark mystery of delight; on my tongue, the pleasure, on my hips, the blight. From far away in hot, tropical climes; thou art gathered by slaves, but I can pretend “Not mine!” Thy narcotics lull my senses into blissful transport; away from my problems, an escapist passport! Bitter as gall...

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  3002 Hits

Do I have to suffer silently to respect the self-destructive choices of others?

Do I have to suffer silently to respect the self-destructive choices of others?

Guest Blogger Contribution.
I've suffered greatly when people I've cared about deeply, have chosen self-destructive habits. As far as I have been able to trace this back, it began before I was old enough to really know what was happening. My dear Dad chose to refuse the good advice of his doctor to lower his dangerously...

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  2882 Hits

Vitamin B12: It’s not just for meat-eaters anymore.

Vitamin B12: It’s not just for meat-eaters anymore.

Guest Blogger Contribution.
So, you’ve been eating a low-fat whole foods vegan diet for awhile and you’re feeling GREAT! Then your vegan-advisor pulls a rain-cloud over the party by asking “Have you started taking vitamin B12 yet?” “No way!” you splutter. “A whole foods vegan diet is perfect! I’m not into pills. I just eat organic...

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  2475 Hits

Wild Claims

Wild Claims

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Do wild claims about foods made on marketing websites annoy you? Here’s an example that disturbed me: http://www.smoothiehealthyrecipes.com/healthy-smoothie-recipes/weight-loss-smoothie-recipes/almond-butter-smoothie-for-weight-loss/ It’s a smoothie “for weight loss”. It's probably ultra yummy, but would it be effective? Let’s look at the ingredients: One cup of coconut milk: 445 calories, 48 grams of fat,(43 grams is saturated fat)1/4...

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  3438 Hits

Is eating meat macho?

Is eating meat macho?

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Is eating meat macho? Many seem to think so. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/05/18/men-meat-and-masculinity-linked/ Based on those beliefs, men may be motivated to eat meat, which sadly, is linked to shorter lives with higher rates of disease. http://nutritionfacts.org/video/low-meat-or-no-meat/ Is it maybe worth a shorter life? Are meat-eating men more masculine than vegan men? Let's look at some...

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  4477 Hits

Taming the cravings

Taming the cravings

Guest Blogger Contribution.
I've had a love/hate relationship with my bathroom scales most of my adult life. Up & down, up & down... sigh... Looking back at the heavier me, I see me eating a healthy vegan diet, but with lot of high fat foods such as oil, chocolate, nuts & vegan cheese products. When I...

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