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Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Foods That Fight Pain

Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Many foods can help to reduce pain through a variety of mechanisms.

Drawing on new and little-known research from prestigious medical centers around the world, Neal Barnard, M.D., author of Eat Right, Live Longer and Food for Life, shows readers how they can soothe everyday ailments and cure chronic pain by using common foods, traditional supplements, and herbs.

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Depression Recovery Program Workbook

Depression Recovery Program Workbook


Depression is reversible. It does not have to be tolerated as a life-long condition. Dr. Nedley's Depression Recovery Program has had great success in his outpatient clinic and 10-day Residential Nedley Depression Recovery Program.

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Depression: The Way Out

Depression The Way Out

In his latest book, Dr. Nedley addresses the epidemic of depression sweeping society

One patient in three seeking medical help is plagued with depression.

Through his ongoing study of the latest scientific research related to diseases of the mind, combined with years of clinical experience, Dr. Nedley committed himself to finding the source problems.....

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The Feeling Good Handbook

The Feeling Good Handbook

With his phenomenally successful Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, Dr. David Burns introduced a groundbreaking, drug-free treatment for depression.

In this bestselling companion, he reveals powerful new techniques and provides step-by-step exercises that help you cope with the full range of everyday problems.

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Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

Feeling Good

The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs.

In Feeling Good, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will.....

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Dr. Arnott's 24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health

24 Realistic Ways To Improve You rHealth

Confused about the seemingly endless new and often contradictory health information in circulation today?

How about a common-sense reality check on living well?

Tim Arnott, MD of the Lifestyle Center of America has produced this helpful book of 24 short, practical health tips based on scientific research.....

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Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Revised Edition

Easy Way To Stop Smoking

Join the Millions Who Have Become Non-smokers Using Allen Carr's Easy Way Method

Allen Carr's innovative Easy Way method, which he developed after his own 100-cigarette-a-day habit nearly drove him to despair, has helped millions kick smoking without feeling anxious and deprived. 

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Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking

Easy Way For Women To Stop Smoking

A Revolutionary Approach Using Allen Carr's Easy Way Method

A variation of Allen Carr's revolutionary Easy Way (TM) system to help women quit smoking.

His method succeeds because it helps smokers eliminate the psychological craving for a cigarette even before they throw away that last pack.

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The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

The Easy Way To Stop Drinking

Carr offers a startling new view of why we drink and how we can escape the addiction

Step by step, with devastating clarity and simplicity, he applies the Easyway™ method, dispelling all the illusions that surround the subject of drinking and that can make it almost impossible to imagine a life without alcohol.

Check it out!

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The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness

The Pleasure Trap

Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness

The authors offer unique insights into the factors that make us susceptible to dietary excesses, and present ways to restore the biological processes designed by nature to keep us running at maximum efficiency and vitality.

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Plant-Based Nutrition: Idiot's Guide

Plant Based Nutrition

The healthy vegan diet-made easy.

Vegans face their own special challenges when it comes to nutrition. This book provides answers. There are about one million vegans in the U.S. and about 50,000 new ones every year.

A growing number of physicians advocate a completely plant-based diet for many of their patients who suffer from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

In The  Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition, readers will find:

  • How to avoid the vegan pitfall of overfed but undernourished.
  • Tips for eating at restaurants.
  • And more.....
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Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health

Forks Over Knives

The Plant-Based Way to Health

What if one simple change could save you from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer?

For decades, that question has fascinated a small circle of impassioned doctors and researchers, and now their life-changing research is making headlines in the hit documentary Forks Over Knives.

Their answer? Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet.

Per their research, this could save your life.

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