DrCarney.com Blog

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Click Here to visit the VegSource Forum. However, rest assured that VegSource is much more than a community forum! It is almost all things (vegetarian) to all people. They produce videos, provide recipes, gather informative articles, write biographical sketches, report on breaking news, follow plant-based celebreties, support animal rights, provide plant-based camps, produce music videos,...

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  4339 Hits

Unprecedented Obesity Increases in Only 25 Years

Unprecedented Obesity Increases in Only 25 Years

We are greatly saddened by the increasing obesity trends in America knowing that obesity is a precursor to unnecessary disease, suffering and premature death. Millions of people are effected! After clicking through the Obesity Trends slides from the CDC one can only wonder where we will be ten years from now. It is scary to...

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  4899 Hits

Baxter Montgomery, MD

Baxter Montgomery, MD

Doctor Baxter Montgomery, Board Certified Cardiologist and Cardiac Electrophysiologist, knows how to use all of the most advanced tools in the world to treat heart disease, but has found that prevention through eating a healthy plant based diet is the true cure. He is the founder and president of the Houston Cardiac Association and the...

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  7239 Hits



Ideally Suited for: Those wanting to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables while moving toward a more natural, whole-food diet without completely changing their current eating style. Calories from Fat: < 25% calories from fat. Vegetables: Vegetables provide protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat, as well as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Adding them to your...

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  18332 Hits



Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to optimize their health and longevity. Requires an openness to changing preferred tastes and habits for increased health benefits. Calories from Fat: < 15% calories from fat. Vegetables: Enjoy multiple servings of raw or cooked vegetables for breakfast and lunch. Include dark green, leafy vegetables at both meals for...

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  16255 Hits



Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to stop or reverse a diagnosed disease condition or those wanting a cleansing diet to reset their taste buds. Calories from Fat: ~ 10% calories from fat. Vegetables: Vegetables should be a cornerstone of your strategy to restore health, and the basis of breakfast. Eat vegetables cooked or raw,...

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  30421 Hits

From Sun to Plant to Plate

From Sun to Plant to Plate

As depicted in the Starch-Smart® Logo: Health is gained by eating foods deriving their energy directly from the Sun. This is the Starch-Smart® cycle of life! The closer we are willing to stick to this simple plan the better our health will be. The further we choose to stray from this simple plan the less health...

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  21848 Hits

Can a Starch-Smart® Diet help those with multiple sclerosis?

Through the dedicated efforts of Dr. Roy Swank, many patients with multiple sclerosis have stopped the progression of their disease. Dr. Swank's approach involved using a low-fat diet. His research led him to the discovery that saturated animal fat was directly responsible for the frequency and severity of multiple sclerosis attacks. Dr. Swank's patients adhered...

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  3839 Hits

Can a Starch-Smart® diet improve male fertility?

Many couples who have been infertile have been able to conceive a baby after switching to a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet. In a recent Harvard Study, increasing the intake of saturated fat by just 5 percent was observed with a 38 percent lower sperm count. Infertility rates are also higher in couples that eat meat...

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  4405 Hits

Are sprouts healthy? How do you grow sprouts?

Yes, sprouts can be very healthy to eat.  In fact, a Russian scientist group recently published a database of the antioxidant content in over 1000 foods, including sprouted seeds grains, and legumes. Dr. Michael Greger's video (below) shows us how the nutrient content changed dramatically after these foods were sprouted. One grain in particular increased...

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  3067 Hits

Jay Gordon, MD

Jay Gordon, MD

We first encountered Dr. Jay Gordon, M.D. while watching the video Processed People. Always impressed with any Physician interested in nutrition in healing, we are especially are we encouraged when a pediatrician encourages plant-based nutrition. Teaching a child when he is young is just smart medicine. He is the author of several books and has...

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  4630 Hits

April 3 - 5, 2014 - White Salmon Washington

Starch-Smart® Health Seminar Join Dr. Carney in the Colombia Gorge region of Washington and Oregon for four sessions beginning Thursday night April 3, 2014. White Salmon Washington is directly across the Columbia River from Hood River, Oregon. Click Here to Download the White Salmon Washington Flyer Dates and Times:  First Session 6:30 PM Thursday April 3, 2014Second...

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  2110 Hits

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