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Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?

Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?

Occasionally, it happens. Loving parents who've read the research on the advantages of a plant-based diet are accused of neglecting their children by refusing to give them animal products. Currently in Italy, there is proposed legislation that would send parents to prison for providing their children with a vegan diet. But even here in the...

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  13222 Hits

Neal Barnard, MD

Neal Barnard, MD

Dr. Barnard has authored many nutrition books and conducted research on reversing diabetes though diet in conjunction with Georgetown University. He founded the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) in 1985, a group which promotes preventitive medicine and encourages high standards for ethics and effectiveness in reasearch. PCRM also introduced the New Four Food Groups...

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  6697 Hits

Do You Know Which Foods are Healthiest?

Do You Know Which Foods are Healthiest?

When it comes to nutrition, one of the most interesting phenomenon to me is the number of people with lifestyle-based health issues who believe that they eat a "pretty healthy diet." But I totally understand this. I truly believed I ate a "pretty healthy diet" back in the days of my lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. (That...

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  6352 Hits

Vitamin Supplements May Increase Risk of Disease

Vitamin Supplements May Increase Risk of Disease

Many people pop a morning multivitamin as a very personal form of "health insurance." We figure that just in case our diet isn't adequately providing for our nutritional needs, we'll take a multivitamin to be safe. Some of us take it a step further, adding specific vitamins in the belief that "more is better," hoping...

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  8329 Hits

How do I Cook Beans?

How do I Cook Beans?

Foods that have sustained many different cultures for many centuries are generally quite simple to prepare. This is true with beans. There are really only four steps between us and a pot of home-cooked beans ready to be ladled over a bed of quinoa, mashed and folded into a tortilla, or sprinkled on a salad....

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  6577 Hits

Resistant Starch is NOT Futile

Resistant Starch is NOT Futile The Borg Potato Proves that Resistance is Not Futile

The phrase "resistance is futile" entered the pop-culture lexicon in 1989 when The Borg appeared on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The show's creators probably had no idea that somewhere in a laboratory in England, scientists were making bold, new discoveries about how simple foods battle the diseases threatening the health of...

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  9677 Hits

Chew Chew Training for Improved Digestion

Chew Chew Training for Improved Digestion

There's an ancient story of a military commander who came down with the deadly disease leprosy. Hearing that there was a healer in a neighboring country, he set off with a contingent of soldiers. Finding the healer in a small, unassuming house, the commander made his request. "Go wash seven times in our river, and...

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  7930 Hits

Blending Up the Smoothie Controversy

Blending Up the Smoothie Controversy

Stick it in the blender and give it a whirl — everything will come out mixed up. That's what seems to be happening to the advice on blending our produce. Suddenly, there's a vortex of controversy swirling around smoothies. Some health advocates recommend smoothies, others are saying, "Maybe we should rethink our drink." Increasing our...

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  18761 Hits

Can Weight Loss Increase Heart Attack Risk?

Can Weight Loss Increase Heart Attack Risk?

When we decide to "get healthy," losing weight is usually at the top of our "to do" list. And while exercise definitely helps, our eating habits usually need an overhaul if we plan to shed pounds.  So the search is on for the "right" weight-loss plan. We research diets on the internet, read magazines from...

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  25086 Hits

Crunching the Science on Juicing

Crunching the Science on Juicing

Juicing fruits and vegetables was once considered the healthiest of the health trends. Many of us have invested in a juicer, and if we haven't, we probably know friends, family members, or coworkers who have. Those "into" juicing talk about all the fresh vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes swirling in a richly colored glass of freshly...

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  24187 Hits

Diet for a Cancer Diagnosis

Diet for a Cancer Diagnosis

Some of the scariest words we can hear are, "You have cancer." When we or a loved one receive these words, we immediately begin looking for the hope and the help in this situation. At home, the big question often becomes, "What should I eat now that I've been diagnosed with cancer?" While I can't...

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  8361 Hits

Animal Protein Damages Kidney Function

Animal Protein Damages Kidney Function

We hear it all the time: protein. If we're hungry midafternoon, our coworker wonders if we didn't include enough protein in our lunch. If we say we're feeling tired lately, our sister asks if we're eating enough protein. If we twist our ankle, our neighbor wants to know… Okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get...

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  16761 Hits

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